A Year of Ownership: What We’ve Learned (So Far).

E&S executive leadership— Leanne, Katie, Ashley and Brittany—pose for a selfie in a restaurant.

It’s been a year since we announced that we were buying the company and becoming official captains of this ship, and what a year it’s been. If I had known what lessons this first year was going to have in store I probably would’ve grabbed a stronger cup of coffee. But here we are, and I’ve got a lot to share about what we’ve learned so far. Spoiler alert: running a company hits different when you’re the one steering. 

1. Business as usual doesn’t exist anymore. 

Remember “business as usual”? Seems like another lifetime. The world and our industry are moving so fast that it feels like we’re constantly in the middle of a big game of Tetris — new pieces, new challenges, all the time. Sure, we’ve got processes and systems, but we’ve learned that adaptability is the real MVP. It’s proven to be exhausting for our team (and let’s be honest, for us too) to stay resilient through all the pivots. We’ve made change management a priority — because if there’s one thing we’ve accepted, it’s that change isn’t going anywhere. The secret is to embrace the uncertainty and staying nimble while keeping our long-term vision in focus. (Something that’s been relatively easy for us to do with the Entrepreneurial Operating System® in place.) 

2. There’s nothing like owning it — literally. 

When we first restructured, set our BHAG and implemented EOS® three years ago, I thought we’d crossed the big stuff off our list. Turns out, the real gut check comes when you wake up that first Monday in January and realize there’s no one else there to catch the ball — you’re the owner now. It’s exhilarating … and slightly panic-inducing. That moment when you realize there’s no safety net? That’s when you feel the true rush of entrepreneurial spirit. I’ve never been more excited, or more hooked on the thrill of building something that’s ours. There’s no turning back now, and honestly, I wouldn’t want to. 

3. Team changes are hard, but they’re essential. 

Here’s the thing about team dynamics: sometimes they shift. Not because anyone did anything wrong, but because the needs of the business evolve. One of the toughest lessons I’ve learned is that letting go of great people isn’t a sign of failure — it’s a sign of alignment. When someone isn’t the right fit for this role, in this moment, the best thing we can do (for them and for us) is help them find where they belong. It’s never easy, but it’s always worth it. And we’ve become better at trusting that the right people, in the right roles, can make all the difference. 

Core values have been our guiding light here. When we took over, we made sure our core values were more than just single-word platitudes. They’re practical and give real-world examples of how we expect our team to show up — every day. If someone doesn’t align with these values, no matter how talented they are, they simply aren’t a match for Ervin & Smith. Our core values are the ethos of the company, and they help us maintain the culture that drives our success. For more on building a strong corporate culture, I highly recommend this article: Build a Corporate Culture That Works. Or hire us. 🙂 

4. Keep a pulse and thick skin.

At Ervin & Smith, feedback is in our DNA. Whether it’s an impromptu comment or a formal review, feedback is a big part of how we grow. It’s so important, in fact, that before we make any new hire official, I personally take them out for coffee and give them the real, real about what it’s like to work here. You will get feedback. Constantly. For some, it might feel nitpicky or exhausting, and that’s okay — those folks probably aren’t a fit for our culture. Our first core value is “stay curious but confident,” and it’s a balance we take seriously. 

This value plays out in our work with clients, too. We ask ourselves: Is this great? Yes. But could it be better? Always. And I take the same approach when it comes to how we run the company for our employees. Two years ago, we launched quarterly pulse surveys that give our team the chance to anonymously rate their engagement and share their thoughts. Does the feedback sting sometimes? Absolutely — it’s hard to hear criticism on decisions we’ve made. But the truth is, we’re as committed to the “never settle” mentality in how we run this company as we are in the work we deliver.

5. Trust the process, even when it feels like a cliché. 

I know, I know — “trust the process” feels like the kind of advice you’d get on a motivational poster. But it’s true. Discipline and vision go hand in hand, and this past year has proven that time and again. As much as we’ve had to be nimble and adjust, we’ve also stayed committed to our guiding principles and long-term goals. Even when things get hectic, having that North Star has kept us grounded. And that goes double when it comes to marketing our own firm. Yes, we know how to adapt to rapid change, but we’ve also learned the power of sticking to the fundamentals.

6. Proving our greatness, inside and out. 

We’re always looking for ways to prove — not just say — how great of a company we are. We believe businesses can, and should, be a force for good. Whether it’s through our commitment to social responsibility, employee benefits or transparency, we want to ensure that we’re living up to the principles that matter most to us. It’s one thing to have good intentions, but we’re focused on backing that up with measurable actions that reflect our values. This year we joined Pledge 1% to commit a minimum of 1% of our revenue goes back to causes we believe in. So far we’re on track to exceed 2% for 2024. Not bad for year one. 

So, what’s next for Ervin & Smith? More of the same … and none of it. We’ll keep building on the foundation we’ve set, trusting in our vision and embracing the chaos along the way. After all, if there’s one thing we know now, it’s that there’s no playbook for this. And that’s exactly what makes it so exciting. 

Here’s to year two and beyond. Buckle up, it’s going to be one heck of a ride. 


Leanne Prewitt

President & Chief Executive Officer

Shaped by her background in creative direction, Leanne leads the agency’s culture and creative vision and also oversees the operations that allow a team of marketing, design and media specialists to create powerful and effective work for their client partners.

Leanne began her professional career in New York City working for some of the nation’s leading agencies. In 2016, after a five-month sabbatical around the world, she returned to her hometown and joined Ervin & Smith. Her global perspective and expanded professional experience influence the work she does today.